2013 BLOG
My issue is the
corruption that is widespread in the Civil and Family Law part of the New
Jersey Legal System. This has nothing to do with the criminal side, of which I
know nothing. But I firmly believe, and hope to prove in my lifetime, that
more money is stolen from the citizens of Morris County, New Jersey by
attorneys (with Superior Court Judges acceptance) every month than by all the
criminal activity.
Let's start with
the old story of the lawyer that moved to a small town. Business was awful, no
calls and he/she took a part time
job Greeting at Walmart. A while later another lawyer moved
to town and they both got rich. Briefly I'll give you a couple examples of
how they turn your trust into money in their pockets.
And to get to
the mindset of attorneys, take a second to read the Star Ledger story of last
July, "Of the 202 ineligible workers, (in the
New Jersey public pension system), 176 were attorneys."
The story is
about New Jersey State Comptroller Matthew Boxers' quest to eliminate fraud in
the pension system.
1. They take
advantage of the fact that you're mad and upset with your soon-to-be ex spouse.
You'll walk into an office and your money will start to leave you. The very
first think they all do, after finding how much they can get as a
"retainer", is to send out pages and pages on questions to the
"other side", interrogatories (and custody interrogatories, if minors
are involved). This are hundreds of questions related to everything
in your life. They will take you hours to answer and virtually nothing is
used!. "Your" attorney will charge you 2-4 hours at
$350-$500 per hour to "shorten/repair" your answers and the opposing
attorney will do the same. These interrogatories are illegal in
Federal Courts, their only purpose is to increase billing hours. Do
not allow these to be sent, have any questions about anything go through you. You
are not getting back at your spouse, it is costing you!
2. Read your
retainer carefully, as with any contract. They will be billing you for every
second and they are looking for "revenue enhancement". There will be
some text describing how they bill you for "outside expenses",
postage, experts, copying, etc. Most will say something like, "expenses
are billed at plus 10-20% of cost". If that was what they really did,
fine, but it ain't. Every "expert" they hire, (Real Estate
appraiser, accountant, etc) will submit a bogus bill to the firm in many cases.
The larger firms in New Jersey ask, and usually get, a 50% discount on
services! For example, "my" attorney, James Jensen
of Laufer, Dalena, Cadicina, Jensen and Boyd, LLC of Morristown
NJ, recommended a firm in Mt Olive, NJ to appraise the real estate on which my
ex's business was situated in Madison, NJ. This firm estimated $5,000 and was
only an estimate!!!! I hopped on the phone and internet and
shopped around. During my discussions with a few appraisers, I found that
attorneys asked for up to a "50%" cut of the fees. I had the
appraisal done for $1,900 from his initial quite of $2,500 by True Value
Appraisal of NJ. He was the one of the appraisers that told me that most of
his attorney customers wanted up to 50%! Question every dime, they are robbing
OK, I'm
somewhat calmed down after the 2 year journey through the New Jersey Courts. I
demonstrated in front of the Morris County Courthouse and was forcibly removed
by an armed Sheriff. I had thousands and thousands of dollars stolen from
myself and my ex. Even though the stealing from ex is very humorous, I find any
big (in any way) person stealing from a smaller person disgusting. It's
bullying through finances. We have judges/officials/employees(?), paid by your
tax dollars, supporting the same folks that are stealing from you or your
parents or your children and fellow citizens. Their salaries and benefits come
from continuing this illegal system. I'm starting with a list of names that are
the ones I know about. I will show further on how it permeates the whole Civil
Law system. I want these people to find this when they're searching for news
about themselves and if I'm wrong or lying, let them sue me, right? I'm not
indigent, I have plenty of assets. I am risking a lot IF if I'm not 100%
right, which makes them 100% thieves.
Morris County
Judge James DeMarzo. A short, extremely fat punk. He allowed the
following group to remove over $200,000 from lower middle class people and fed
it to his upper 2% NJ Bar associates. So-called expert witnesses in his Court,
a Dr Edwin Rosenberg for example, took a 4-6 week estimate of forensic
psychological testing and stretched it to over $17,000 and well over a year.
(Funny, he's another short dwarf type. I wonder if that's a connection,
Candace Scott
of: Scott and Daly, Candace Scott, LLC, and any other firms based in
Morristown, New Jersey. At present resides at 17 Hamilton Rd, Morristown, NJ.
This woman is the number 1 thief of them all. (The only reason I have
fatso DeMarzo listed ahead is because WE pay him, he's being paid to
help us and he ain't). This woman will take every dime you leave on your
dresser. She is as crooked as she is ugly. I'll describe a few of the
ways she cleans out her clients below, at $500 an hour.
a. We supposedly needed
an appraisal of ex's business. This is a small manufacturing plant in Madison,
NJ. ( I say supposedly because after Judge DeMarzo allowed
the following expense, the business asset was declared 100% hers. In other
words, every dime was wasted and stolen!) I was directed, fairly I thought, by
the court to have this done at my expense. I used Marcum and Associates of
Roseland, NJ. They are a National chain. I paid $6,250 to appraise ex's
business at $1,000,000, her 19% being worth $190,000.
Ex's attorney,
Candace Scott "hired" Kalman Barson, see next 2
Kalman Barson,
of Barson and Associates, 60 E.Main St,
Somerville. NJ. This slimeball, with the blessing of
Judge DeMarzo, charged ex OVER $56,000 to appraise the exact same
business asset, at the exact same time and would not submit detailed time sheets,
which the judge allowed to just slide by. Google-map his office in
Somerville. Does this look like a top rated accountants office?
He's a joke. His appraisal came in at $187,000, (again, my $6,250 appraisal was
$190,000). He charged 30% of the asset to appraise it! Do you believe it? I'm
100% sure that at least $30,000 went back to Candace Scott. Hey, sue me Barman
or Scott if you're not stealing.
b. We
supposedly needed a real estate appraisal of the martial home in Long Valley,
NJ. (Didn't really, as it could have been just: "split proceeds 50-50 (or
whatever other formula) after sale". I hired New Jersey Appraisals of Long
Valley, NJ. Found their name and address in the Yellow Pages. He offered to do
the appraisal for $375. BTW, I called 3 from the Yellow pages, prices between
$375-400). I offered New Jersey Appraisals $350 and he did the
appraisal. ( I have copies to send if needed) This full color
appraisal, appraised the property at 18 Highland Ave in Long Valley, NJ at
$545,000 on August 5, 2009. The appraisal was done on "Fannie Mae Form
1004 March 2005" the only bank loan legal form from 2005 on.
Ex's attorney,
Candace Scott, "hired" Arthur J Smith
of Morristown,NJ. ( find him in the Yellow Pages)
Arthur J Smith
Appraisals, working out of his home at 19 Ellsworth Ave, Morristown NJ. This
clown charged $550 for a black and white appraisal on antique, illegal
forms/software. His forms were "Fannie Mae Form 1004B 6-93". Not
legal for bank loans since 2005. I'm 100% sure that $300 of the $550 was
"kicked back" to Scott and Daly-Candace Scott. Who in the USA would
pay more for a product done by a small time employee than for a real deal?
Someone hammered by their lawyer, that's who! This violates the Sherman Act and
the RICO act.
Hey, Candace
Scott and Arthur J Smith, sue me if I'm lying, right? You're a
lawyer Scott, take everything I have if I'm making this up.
Now let's see
what Jim Jensen, of Laufer, Dalena, Cadicina, Jensen and Boyd,
LLC of Morristown, NJ "my (so-called) attorney" did for me, at $325
an hour. At the second meeting he prepared to send out the interrogatories I
mention earlier. Since I had agreed, as had ex, on a Custody Evaluation by Dr.
Edwin Rosenberg of Summit, NJ, ($10,000 each retainer to Dr R) I asked that we
need not send out the Custody Interrogatories. Jim's reply was, to the effect
of, "No we absolutely need these". Well after hours and hours
answering hundreds of questions, and at least $1,000 to Jim to
"check" and "adjust" my answers, not one word of these were
used during a 3 day Trial! It gets better! After sending similar
interrogatories to ex, she never returned them! But guess who was billed for
sending them, me. That's why these are illegal in Federal Courts.
I started out to
"clean" up the corruption that I feel is rampant, as I doubt that I'm
the first to get robbed by the New Jersey Civil Law System.
Judge Demarzo literally stole between $20,000 and $30,000 from me. (I
am more than willing to send proof to anyone that asks) I sued him, Judge Ramsey
and the NJ Bar, without whom this could not have been going on, in Federal
Court under the RICO Statute. But, Federal Judge
Mary Scriven dismissed the charges, on January 14, 2013, basically
under the guise of "immunity". And I'll quote Mary Scrivens, "
Judicial immunity is not defeated by allegations of bad faith or malice". (
highlighting mine) And also, " Like other forms of official
immunity, judicial immunity is an immunity from suit, not just from ultimate
assessment of damages". And also, "A state court judge is entitled to
absolute immunity from suit in a civil action that is within the scope of
judicial authority". We have people that we pay, very well if I may add,
that are immune from having to answer to anyone. And the people, Federal judges,
we appeal to are in the same profession as the people stealing from us. What
are the odds of that working out well for us?
And of
course, Scrivens was wrong, RICO was meant for ALL organized crime,
government included.
A. A federal Grand Jury in the Middle District of
Pennsylvania handed down a 48 count indictment against former Luzerne County
Court of Common Pleas Judges Michael Conahan and
Mark Ciavarella. The judges were charged with RICO after allegedly
committing acts of Wire Fraud, Tax Evasion, Money Laundering and Honest
Services Fraud.
B. The former mayor
of Detroit, Kwame Kilpatrick and his childhood friend Bobby Ferguson were
convicted on March 11, 2013 under the RICO statute of using his office to run a
criminal organization to extort bribes in exchange for city contracts.
I didn't appeal
this to the Appellant Division, but instead started lower in the thief chain. I
sued Candace Scott, Jim Jensen, Kalman Barson and Arthur Smith
in Federal Court. From here, if the judge doesn't dismiss, I hope a jury will
hear the facts and ask for an inquiry in how and why the judges allowed this to
go on.
And BTW, this in
now 6 months and no lawsuits yet after calling the above attorneys, and their
associates-in-fact, thieves, crooks, liars and punks. Must be true!!!!!!