Thursday, October 22, 2020

New Jersey Courts are still corrupt


To quote Arnold Schwarzenegger, "I'm Back!"

I'm now a Felon. I spent 3 years on Felony Probation plus 111 days in both Florida and New Jersey jails for a New Jersey  Court to remove a Blog and a YELP review of (married) Judge Demarzo's probable girlfriend, attorney  and thief Candace Scott. The State of New Jersey spent between $100,000 and $200,000 (1) of tax money to remove my Blog and YELP review. I will attach Court Transcripts to this as needed, I have them all. They spent taxpayer money in a Criminal Complaint when  "victim" paid Civil Court was the proper venue, IF THE REVIEW OR BLOG WAS NOT 100% FACTUAL! But because they would have been soundly defeated in a Civil Action, someone got the New Jersey buddy system rolling.

1st, Here's the YELP review of 2012 that I posted about Candace Scott:

Don't even think of using this skank! She and her pig partner will steal every dime you have. I am calling her, candace scott, her accountant, kal barson and her appraiser arthur smith outright thieves and crooks. My real name is Bob Courboin, sue me if I'm lying.

To be absolutely clear where I'm going with this, I'm calling Candace Scott and her cronies thieves. I'm calling Judge J Demarzo, Morris County, corrupt and implicit for allowing this to happen. I'm stating that Judge E. Caposela, Passaic County, did a back room deal to remove a factual YELP review and a blog. I'm stating that New Jersey Deputy Attorney General Heather Hausleben is responsible if Candace Scott and her cronies stole assets from anyone after 2017. I'm fairly confident that these aren't the only crooks in the Morris County Family Court system.

This started in 2010 during my Divorce in Morris County, NJ in the Courtroom of Judge Demarzo. My ex, a soon-to-be single Mom with a Special Needs Son, was represented by Candace Scott, of Scott and Daly, LLC. Candace Scott with the help of Business Appraiser Kal Barson, Somerville and Property Appraiser Arthur Smith, LLC, Morristown, stole/removed every dime my ex had, over $240,000. She even had to close out her IRA and pay the penalty for early withdrawal. My attorney fees were $30,000, same Court, same documents, and I feel I was overcharged.

Morris County Attorney Ethics Committee refused my information, I have the refusal letter, even though I included all the receipts and supporting documents. This transcript is from the "trial",

 Judge Demarzo is THE COURT:

He goes on to say he never saw a bill higher than $10,000

New Jersey indicted in 2014 me for "threatening letters to a judge".  I signed a letter "Bob Two Glock Courboin" in 2011. Then in 2012 I sent a letter to Judge Demarzo's wife telling her that her husband was a thief and probably having an affair with attorney Candace Scott. I posted my 1st Blog in 2013.

Now in 2014 all-of-a-sudden the letters I sent in 2011 and 2012 are "threatening"! They weren't threatening in 2011 or 2012, but in 2014 as the YELP review and Blog went up it's a Felony. Now a new story starts.

I moved from Morris County, New Jersey to Polk County, Florida in 2011. In 2015 Polk County Sheriffs interviewed me and told me New Jersey was PLANNING a legal action against me. They left and said, "if you don't hear from us in a week or two, don't worry about it". I did know of a Misdemeanor charge in Morris County, NJ charge against me for Contempt of Court. Misdemeanor's are minor and unenforceable across state lines.

Then in May of 2017 I was arrested at my Florida home by US Marshalls as a Fugitive. Polk County Florida would NOT arrest me, probably correctly feeling that this should be heard in Florida, as opposed to being decided by a fellow New Jersey Judge. I was held in Polk County Jail for about 90 days. I was then extradited  to Morris County, NJ Jail. The following day I was "transferred" to the Hell-Hole Passaic County, NJ Jail. This is one of the worst places on the planet.

I was assigned (?) Judge Earnest Caposela and made my First Appearance there after a couple days.

New Jersey has a No Cash Bail Policy. The State created a Commission in about 2014 which found injustice with the policy of Bail. Now they have a PSA, Public Safety Assessment, sheet which looks at:

a. RISK SCALE: Failure to Appear. This is ranked on a scale of 1 (lowest risk) to 6 (highest risk)

b. RISK SCALE: New Criminal Activity. This is also ranked 1 (lowest chance) to 6 (highest chance)

Oddly enough, Judge Caposela helped design this new system.  From a 2108 Discussion with ex Governor Christy:  "In the new system Caposela helped devise, judges and attorneys now rely on a “public safety assessment,” or PSA, to predict the risk a defendant poses."

MY PSA Sheet was a 1 and a 1, RELEASE ON OWN REGONNIZANCE. (3) There was not one other fellow inmate in that Jail that had even a single 1. Most were 3's, 4's and 5's. Over half of them were released with no bail or bond. I will bet dollars to doughnuts that not one other person was ever held with this score to this day in 2020.

In my 2nd Appearance in Judge Caposela's Courtroom, I was ordered "hold until Trial". He made a vague reference to violence. There was no violence ever in my 71 years. I had no Criminal Record, a Misdemeanor for a loud party at the age of 21, 50 years earlier, a Marijuana Possession in 1972 and a petty larceny in 1966. I even offered substantial Bail as I wanted this case to go to Trial to bring out the corruption in the Morris County Family Court. This was denied and I was ordered Hold Until Trial, usually 4-6 months.

I was 71 and had serious health issues. In both Jails I was constantly monitored for wild swings in my Blood Pressure and received part of my usual Heart drug mix. On occasion my BP would be sky high (Hypertension) and the next day it would be dangerously low.

To literally save my life, in September of 2017 after about 100 days in Jail, I pled Guilty to one charge of "Threatening".  The sentence was always Probation, as a 1st time offender. Why would New Jersey "Hold Until Trial" when the only available sentence IF found guilty was Non-Custodial Probation? To force the Guilty Plea is why. The Guilty Plea would remove the Blog and YELP review without a jury. They conspired to keep the thievery of Candace Scott, et al and Judge Demarzo out of the Public eye. (5) No way were they going to let a jury see the billing practices allowed in the New Jersey Family Court system. The proof??? Within a couple WEEKS of my Guilty Plea I was released from Jail! No Bond or Bail, Release on Recognizance. For some reason, A few days later and after my Guilty Plea, I wasn't a threat anymore. They were willing to let me die in jail to protect a thieving attorney, her cronies and the judge that covered it up.  And they spent $100,000 to $200,000 taxpayer dollars and possibly more to get this blog and YELP review removed in one of the highest taxed States in the Nation.

In January of 2018, 3 months after my release and sentencing, I had Open Heart Surgery at Tampa General Hospital. They replaced my Aortic Valve  (AVR) and did 3 bypasses (CABGX3). I definitely would have died in jail awaiting Jury Trial! One week in the Hospital and one month no activity or driving, it was truly life or death, I am not exaggerating this.

As a condition of accepting my Plea, the following was added:

                1. The YELP review must be removed

                2. My Blog (actually two of, I added another in 2016) had to be removed

                3. No future posts!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  




This is from the sentencing. October 13, 2017. Official Transcripts:


       Passaic County Courthouse

       77 Hamilton Street

       Paterson, NJ 07505

       October 13, 2017



A P P E A R A N C E:


       Deputy Attorney General,

       Attorney for the State.



MS. HAUSLEBEN: The conduct in this case is

            extremely severe. And besides the fact that the indictment                           

             is old, and it’s stemming from conduct from

            2012 which went into 2013, the conduct had not ceased

            as of 2013. Specifically, referring to a blog post

            which was discussed during the -- this plea agreement

            and the plea negotiations that had to be removed.

MS. HAUSLEBEN: I would also ask -- and this

            was part of the negotiated plea agreement, and I did check      yesterday, and his blog has been                removed,

            however, there is still a posting on the website Yelp


MS. HAUSLEBEN: That still needs to be removed as part of this    plea agreement.......


THE COURT (Judge Caposela) Can you do that? I mean, like in

             other words, I want him to make an effort to it. I

             don’t know the -- and I’m pretty internet savvy, but I

             don’t know if you can -- he can just now call Yelp and

             say, take it down, or the Court has to -- like in other

             words, if I’m Yelp, I don’t know that they allow you to

MS. HAUSLEBEN: Your Honor, if I may, I’m --

             I’m not sure if the defendant, as the poster, would be

             able to contact Yelp and ask them to -- to remove it.

             That it was something that he does not want there

             anymore. However, I did receive communications from

             Ms. Scott that indicated she had reached out to Yelp in

            regards to this -- this case, and she was -- indicated

             that if the Judgment of Conviction was to indicate that

             the review was defamatory, that Yelp would be able to

             use that JOC in order to remove the harassing and

             threatening --review



 THE COURT: Well, can we just -- could you just submit like an    order and I could sign it?


THE COURT: -- ask her -- yeah. Prepare an order. And, you know,   I’ll sign it with the finding that it was defamatory in nature and -- and that they’re to take it -- they’re to take    it -- you know,they're to take it down.


 MS. HAUSLEBEN: Absolutely. I’ll prepare an order --


 THE COURT: All right.


THE COURT: -- Attorney General just -- find out what Yelp needs to take it down.



THE COURT: I -- I think within the context

             of the threats that were made to the Judge, the things

             he said about her either directly or indirectly, when

             you look at the totality, you know, does he -- does he

             lose his First Amendment rights to say she’s not a

             good lawyer? I think under these circumstances he

             does. You know, I mean it’s just a condition of his

            sentence. You know, this is -- to me this is victim    contact.



The Passaic County Superior Court created a Court Order to remove YELP review of a "victim" that had nothing to do with the "threatening" letters to Judge Demarzo. The YELP review is on page 1 here, what is threatening about calling a thief out?  New Jersey, If Candace Scott robs another client like she did my ex, it's on you.

I have a large file of a random assortment of accused people who were released, almost all no bail or bond since 2017. Some were murderers.

 I also have all the transcripts and files if anyone wants to see them. Comments are appreciated.

Thanks for reading this. 

Bob Courboin

Lakeland, Florida


 (1)  An educated guess. I have the copy of the response to my Freedom of Information Act request for the total amount spent on my Prosecution, denied by Lt. Edward Augustyn, OPRA Custodian, NJ.