2016 BLOG
This is how it all started.
During the 2010-2011 divorce "Trial" in
Morristown, NJ, Jeanne's attorney, Candace Scott, totally robbed her (and my 12
Year Old Special Needs Son) of over $200,000. Jeanne went into Court with about
$200,000 in liquid assets and about $50,000 in an IRA. She left the
Courtroom completely broke. She even had
to drain her IRA, and pay the IRS tax penalty, to pay Candace Scott and her
accomplices, Kalman Barson and Arthur Smith.
My attorney fees were $30,000, hers were probably
$150,000, (actually
about $240,000) same Court, same time, same questions.
One way she got scammed was thru the appraisal of her
business assets; a minority share of a Family owned manufacturing Company in
Madison. I might/possibly have been entitled to any increase of the value of
those assets during our 24 year marriage, as for the last 10 years I worked out
of our home and was Mr. Mom.
For example ( NOT real amounts): IF when we
got married her business was worth $1,000,000 and 25 years later was worth
$2,000,000 and IF she owned 10%, I MIGHT be entitled to some
portion of HER $100,000 asset appreciation. Exactly as if she owned stocks
worth $100,000 when we got married and was now worth $200,000.
To find out I hired Marcum LLP, the second largest firm in
the USA that does business appraisals. Offices throughout the USA and Asia and
Europe, huge company. They visited her business, interviewed Officers, went
over 6 years of sales, assets and liabilities, etc, and valued her 24% share at
$250,000. Billed me for about 22 hours and charged me $6,800, discounted to
$6,000 for an instant payment which I did make.
Jeanne's attorney, Candace Scott, hired Kalman Barson of
Somerville, NJ, bypassing the hundreds of accountants in and around Morristown.
He seems to have no full time employees. He did a similar appraisal, supposedly
to check the work of my appraiser ( Marcum LLP) . While Barson wouldn't give a
billing hours statement, in open Court (and thereby on my transcripts) he
admitted to billing Jeanne "over $56,000" to appraise her 19% at $185,000.
There was a legal discrepancy as to whether she owned 19% or 25%, but
none-the-less, both appraisals valued the same, each 1% share was $10,000.
After Barson submitted his invoice and was paid, I found
out about the cost. I made my attorney, Jim Jensen, bring this up to Judge
DeMarzo in open Court.( He didn't want to, he was willing to allow Candace
Scott to rob my soon-to-be ex)
Judge DeMarzo, again in open transcribed Court, stated,:
estate appraisers go out, they appraise properties worth tens of millions of
dollars and I bet--- I was in real estate and I've never seen a bill for
$56,000". ( attached transcript page 107)
" DR Tinari's bill was" ---"
"tax return analysis, market data analysis,
$10,000" ( attached page 108")
"$56,000?". (attached page 109)
"....when you have $60,000 of expert bills on one
asset or two assets alone, you---you hit the point of no return in trying your
It didn't matter, after Jeanne and I spent over $62,000
appraising her business, ( I spent $6,000-Jeanne spent "over
$56,000") Judge DeMarzo declared her assets exempt. The whole $62,000+ was
The issue here was that we had to divide our liquid assets
evenly. Since Candace Scott and her crew stole all of her assets, there was
nothing to divide. All I expected, after Judge DeMarzo's statements, was for
him to have Scott investigated by someone in the legal system. I knew we
couldn't get anything back, I just wanted the next person to not get robbed and
Scott to be punished in some way.
Nothing happened, business as usual in Morris county Family Court. I tell this story as often as possible as I'm trying to get Scott, Barson and Smith to sue me for slander or libel or defamation but they don't, because it's true. Candace Scott is a thief and at least some portion of Family Court is corrupt.
Marcum, LLP. 2nd largest appraisal/accountant in
the USA. Offices throughout USA, Europe and Asia.
Appraisal is
14 pages.
Valued E P Heller, Co. at about
Valued Jeanne's 24% at $250,000
( there was
an error in the Corporate legal filings as to whether Jeanne owned 19% or 24% )
Didn't matter as Judge DeMarzo declared her business assets off limits AFTER we
spent over $62,000.
billing statements showed about 22 hours, various hourly fees from $175 per
hour to $375 per hour, depending on which employee.
Barson Group, a 1 man office in Somerville, NJ
Appraisal is
41 pages, 20 of which are appendix, definitions and state on NJ's Real Estate
Market (?).
Valued E P Heller, Co. at about
Jeanne's 19% is $185,000
wouldn't give a written invoice or hourly billing totals. Only Open Court
"over $56,000", which would be 160 hours at $350 an hour
Nice blog!! Thanks for sharing the info...I really loved to read your article, good information. Keep sharing the interesting blogs..
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